Verifying the emission curve

The graph below shows the amount collected by the miners for each transaction. You can see that in the beginning (until around block height 100k) a lot of miners did not collect their proof-of-work reward, which means that the blockchain has less tokens than it was supposed to have. You can also see that there are values greater than the expected reward curve. These values corresponds to the fees paid by the senders of the transactions that were also collected by the miners.

Fig. 1 - Collected XMR by miners (block reward plus fees) versus block height
Figure 2 shows only the fees collected by the miners (and paid by the senders).
Fig. 2 - Fees versus block height
Block 262990

At block height 262990, we can see the highest fee paid for a transaction (49.946173 XMR).

Block 1009827

At block height 1009827, the Monero blockchain adjusted its blocktime. Passing from 1 minute blocks to 2 minutes blocks. In order to keep the same emission rate, the mining rewards were adapted. (The miners kept receiving the same reward in the same amount of time).